TG-624 30m x 0.25mm x 1.4m
商家询价 上海希言科学仪器有限公司
Qtz SUPRASIL Flow-Through Cell 370 μL
Quartz Hangdown Wire Kit Qty. 5
250 uL Syringe Kit w/250 uL Buffer Tbg
AS9-HC 阴离子保护柱-高容量柱,4X50MM
alectrodeless Discharge Lamp Sys. 2 - Cs
ICP-MS储备调谐溶液,10mg/L,2%HNO3溶液。 100mL瓶装
Cetac ASX 520 Auto-sampler - 50/60Hz Supplied with 10 standard bottles plus 4x60 position racks and 14ml test tubes.
商家询价 北京中科三环仪器有限责任公司
Wash Solution 1% HN03 1 Liter
1/8 英寸四通接头,黄铜