一种可以防御不同亚型流感病毒的通用疫苗已接近成为现实。美国国立卫生研究院的研究人员已经从H1N1流感病毒中开发出一种具有稳定血凝素(HA)刺突的纳米疫苗(1)。这种H1 HA刺突免疫原可诱发小鼠和雪貂体内的抗体交叉反应,从而避免因不同HA亚型感染(H5)导致的疾病发生。虽然该疫苗未引起广泛的病毒中和反应,但其保护机制经证实为抗体介导型。这些令人振奋的结果显示,该种仅含血凝素(HA)刺突的纳米疫苗可刺激潜在广泛的免疫反应,以抵御不同的流感病毒株。
中国投入流感病毒研究逐年上升,北京更是全球发表最多文献的城市。 GeneTex在流感抗体的开发不遗余力,为您准备一系列的优质抗体,请点击这里访问我们的网站,寻找您需要的抗体。您科研的好伙伴GeneTex。
Selected Antibodies for Influenza Virus
GeneTex has supported the world's leading researchers for over 15 years with our quality antibodies. Our products continue to be referenced in leading publications and we are proud to be able to contribute to the research community. In this GeneTex newsletter issue, we would like to highlight our catalog of Influenza virus antibodies.
There are three types of influenza virus: Types A, B, and C. The influenza A and B viruses are the ones most associated with serious human infections, while the Type C cases are clinically much milder. The main antigenic determinants of influenza A and B viruses are the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) transmembrane glycoproteins. Based on the antigenicity of these glycoproteins, influenza A viruses are further subdivided into sixteen "H" (H1-H16) and nine "N" (N1-N9) subtypes. The influenza A virus genome consists of eight separate RNA segments that encode the proteins (i.e., PB1, PB2, PA, HA, NA, NP, M1, M2, NS1, and NS2) essential for host infection, viral genome replication, and virus particle packaging.
WB analysis on MDCK cell lysates infected with different subtypes of human and avian influenza virus A by using influenza A Virus H1N1 HA antibody (GTX127295), influenza A Virus H5N3 HA antibody (GTX127299), influenza A virus H7N7 HA antibody (GTX127303), and influenza A virus H9N2 HA antibody (GTX127305). |
Click here to view the full list of antibodies against Influenza virus proteins. |
Product Highlight - Influenza A |
Product Highlight - Influenza B |